Satisfactory roadmap
Satisfactory roadmap

satisfactory roadmap

Finally, ubiquitous user interfaces (BRIDGE/FIT) will support all employees seamlessly in real time and on the move. Secondly, a collaboration platform (CoSpaces/FIT) will stimulate and promote team interactions. Firstly, a training platform will allow the fast and intuitive education of employees (R3Donline/Regola). The distribution of this knowledge will be based on 3 important system tools. The fundamental component of the proposed system will be the assessment and storage of the explicit and tacit knowledge created on the shop floor by aggregating a set of heterogeneous smart devices and sensors (Linksmart/FIT, Smart Sensors/ISMB) and extracting context-aware information based on their measurements (Semantics Engine/EPFL).

satisfactory roadmap satisfactory roadmap

SatisFactory aims to contribute to the transformation of traditional industrial environments using cutting-edge technologies in ways that are both productive and appealing to youth. "Known as either ""Industrial Revolution 4.0"" or as ""Industrial Renaissance"", the need for new manufacturing approaches is widely accepted in the EU. Expected benefits range from increased workers wellbeing to easier safety management and productivity gains. CPERI (Chemical Process Engineering Research Institute), a non-profit research and technological development (RTD) organization in Thessaloniki, Greece.Systems Sunlight S.A., a global player in the field of integrated energy solutions, specializing in the development, production and marketing of batteries and energy storage systems for industrial, advanced technology and consumer applications.Comau is an integrated company, including 20 subsidiaries, which develops and produces process automation, manufacturing and service products and specializes in welding robots COMAU S.p.A, an Italian multinational company based in Turin, Italy, part of the Fiat Group.The SatisFactory solution and its technology products are currently deployed and evaluated in three industrial sites in Italy and Greece, namely at: Additionally, modern wearable devices such as augmented reality glasses allow the interaction of workers with the system without disrupting their workflow. In order to enhance working experience and thus increase the workplace attractiveness, augmented reality and gamification approaches are being utilized. SatisFactory also utilises the aggregated knowledge in order to leverage the control and re-adaptation of facilities and streamline the workload. Ubiquitous user interfaces that support all employees seamlessly in real time and on the move.A collaboration platform that stimulates and promotes team interactions.A training platform that allows the fast and intuitive education of employees.The distribution of this knowledge is based on 3 important system tools: The solution aggregates a set of heterogeneous smart devices and sensors, and extracts context-aware information based on their measurements. The fundamental component of the proposed system is the integrated management of the explicit and tacit knowledge created on the shop floor. The objective is to increase the flexibility, productivity and innovation potential of modern factories, while enhancing the skills and commitment of the workforce. Supporting this "Industrial Revolution 4.0", the SatisFactory solution aims to contribute to transforming traditional industrial environments using cutting-edge technologies in ways that are both productive and appealing to workers and younger generations. The global adoption of information and communications technology by manufacturing industry is now paving the way for disruptive approaches to production and the entire logistics chain. Traditional manufacturing industry is in the throes of a digital transformation.

Satisfactory roadmap